Erin Lobb Mason - Sept 2024 @ the LAB

Erin Lobb Mason is an artist and musician from Kentucky, currently based in Rhode Island. She works and teaches in a variety of media including watercolor, oil paint, ceramics, and printmaking. Her work is grounded in a strong sense of place and draws inspiration from the natural world. Her work has been featured in local galleries and event spaces including New Era Gallery and The Collaborative. She leads workshops throughout the northeast in printmaking and drawing. When she is not drawing insects or making weird fish mugs she also works in healthcare as an occupational therapist specializing in geriatric rehab and hospice.

On View September 5th - 29th

508 Main St. Warren RI


Friday 6th 6-8 Opening Party!

Saturday 7th 3-6

Friday 13th 2-5

Saturday 14th 1-4

Friday 20th 2-5

Saturday 21st 3-6

Closing Friday 27th 1-4


FeatureThe Collaborative2024